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The Fürstenzellerhof

Once the property and hunting lodge of Queen Agnes of Hungary.

After the death of "Frederick the Handsome" of Austria in 1313, this hunting lodge was returned to the Bavarian monastery of Fürstenzell, according to the Queen's testamentary decree, which had previously owned this farm. For many centuries, the courtyard was used as a reading courtyard by the Cistercian monastery in Fürstenzell, which is where the name "Fürstenzellerhof" comes from. 

After secularisation, the Fürstenzellerhof passed into the "Kienbacher - Faltl" family estate in 1862. Viticulture and hospitality as well as the importance as "Vorspannhof zum Limberg" characterize the history of this farm. 

In 2020, the farm, including the historic dining room and the gastro kitchen, was revitalized and is now available for wine tastings as part of the wine-growing business and for private events.

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